Jueves, 8 de Marzo de 2018

UdeC delivers double-degree titles

This Thursday, in a solemn act performed by videoconference, the universities of Colima and Viña del Mar (UVM), in Chile, delivered eight double-degree degrees to young people who studied the careers of International Business, Foreign Trade (UdeC) and Business Administration (Chile).


In addition, in later act, the rector José Eduardo Hernández Nava delivered

a double degree, from the universities of Colima and Santo Tomás de Aquino, in Tunja, Colombia, to Luis Antonio Alcalá Barajas, a new graduate in Business Administration graduated from the School of Marketing.


On the first delivery of titles, issued by the UdeC and the UVM, the rector said that the relationship with that university, although it is only seven years old, has made it possible for 121 students of our University to prepare also in that house of studies.


In this act, they received their degree Brianda Aritza Dueñas, Guillermo García, Uriel Guízar, José Luis Vargas, Saúl Alejandro Torres, Pedro Alberto Márquez, Jorge Esteban Chávez and Samantha Michel. For work or study commitments, some degree were delivered to the family or legal representatives.

Hernández Nava stressed that the relationship between both institutions is consolidated as an alliance with favorable impacts, both in the academic and in the inclusion field, since both institutions collaborate in the international project MUSE, "Modernity and disability: ensuring quality in the education for students with disabilities. "


In addition, the rector encouraged the new professionals to continue striving, whether in the workplace or in their graduate studies, to contribute to the growth of Colima.


You, José Eduardo Hernández told them, "are ambassadors of the University in the world; they have shown it during their one-year stay at the University of Viña del Mar, a university recognized for its leadership. " He also thanked the support that their families have given them to achieve this double degree.

The consolidation of the UdeC, concluded Hernández Nava, "could not be understood without the component of internationalization; that is to say, without the participation in networks of works and projects that allow us to be part of the world concert of higher education. Today, young people who have received their degree testify that the institution's efforts have positive results. "


The director of the Business School of the University of Viña del Mar, Patricio Ortúzar Ruiz, agreed that the international connection, mobility and integration of its students is a long-term strategic objective. On the double title of university graduates, said that "it is a real result of what was originally expressed in an agreement, because everyone acquires the commitment to perform in the professional field with responsibility and ethics, respecting values ​​that both universities have delivered "

In turn, the director of the Faculty of Economics of UdeC, Zaret Gaytan Gomez acknowledged that this delivery of titles was due to the vision and political will of the highest university authorities, and said that "the internationalization of the curriculum of educational programs it is of vital importance for the integral formation of the students ".


"Samanta, Saúl, Uriel, José Luis, Pedro, Jorge and Brianda have been pioneers in double degrees, and our institution appreciates it. Being graduates with double degrees strengthens their skills and reinforces the competences of each one, inserting them into the labor market with greater ease and with better qualitative and quantitative tools ", she commented finally to the young people and their families.


On behalf of the graduates, Jorge Esteban Chávez Araiza, a graduate of the degree in international business, shared that the experience of double degree in the University of Viña del Mar "was one of the most valuable throughout my life, a full journey of learning "in which he acquired another way of seeing and understanding things, where he broadened his panorama and opened his mind to new possibilities.


Chávez Araiza said that "companionship, respect, responsibility and friendship are values ​​to face unexpected situations in our daily lives as international students. Everything will play an important role in our academic, professional and personal future, "he concluded.


The rector of the University of Viña del Mar, Carlos Alberto Isaac Palyi, said that the ceremony of delivery of titles is a milestone that evidences in a concrete way and shows the consolidation and the work developed for seven years now. "We are confident that this will strengthen and deepen our institutional relations and joint projects."


He spoke of the joint work in the MUSE Educational Social Inclusion Project, and invited the students and professors "to take the initiative in the development of their academic and professional careers, taking this opportunity with responsibility and with passion, feeling that these experiences are synonymous of growth and personal development ".

The graduated Alcalá Barajas thanked the University of Colima, his professors and the university students who supported him with their procedures, and his family, for the unconditional support. "I know that I have more tools to excel in the real world; I promise to take full advantage of the knowledge of both degrees "he concluded in his message.


Also, by the UVM, José Contreras, general secretary; Eduardo González, Vice-Chancellor; Meritxell Calbet, Director of International Cooperation; Patricio Canala, Academic General Director and Juan Harting, Head of Engineering in International Business Management.


For the UdeC were Eduardo Monroy, general coordinator of Teaching; Sara G. Martínez, general director of Higher Education; Genoveva Amador, general director of International Affairs and Academic Cooperation; Elías Flores, general counsel; José Emmanuel Luna, director of the School of Foreign Trade and Marco A. Barajas, director of the School of Marketing.