This Monday it was inaugurated, at the School of Economics (Campus Villa de Álvarez ) of the University of Colima, the III Japan Week with the conference ‘‘The Affairs Mexico-Japan’’ held by Katsuhito Miura, first secretary from the embassy of Japan and Mexico
During this third week, it was informed at the opening that there will be masterly conferences, presentations, a workshop and the screening of a movie.
When welcoming, Oriana Zaret Gaytán Gómez, principal of the School of Economics, said that this is the third consecutive year in which this event takes place, which ‘‘enriches the internationalization of the campus and our students without leaving home’’
At the begining of his speech, Katsuhito Miura highlighted that the relation between Mexico and Japan started 400 years ago, when Mexico used to be named ‘‘La Nueva España’’. According to the expert ‘‘the relation between these two countries comes from a long and close friendship of partners that share values and are friends during adversity’’ he said.
When talking about the history that links the two countries, the speaker emphasized that the first trip made from Japan to Mexico was in 1613, and in 1888 the first treaty with Mexico was signed, this ‘‘opened the frontier of Japan with other countries from the American continent, using this treaty as a base to have egalitarian agreements with other countries. This way the very first important Japanese migration occurred in 1899’’, he recalled.
Likewise, he highlighted the fact that before the General Assembly of the United Nations, in 1948 (a few years later from World War II), Mexico proposed a peace treaty with Japan, being this the second country to sign it in 1951.
He added that nowadays Mexico is for Japan a ‘‘great strategic ally’’ since investment has been increasing, mainly in the automotive sector and other industries such as tourism.
Concerning the collaboration bounds, he continued, ‘’an unfortunate thing that both countries have in common: the natural disasters, in the specific case of earthquakes, although, there has always been a good help response from both governments’’, and he addressed the recent earthquake in Mexico (2017) and the one in Japan (2011)
Regarding the education field, the presenter stood out the fact that, from 1971 until now, Japan has established up to 4,500 exchange programs with Mexico: ‘‘Today we have more than 200 agreements with Mexican universities, which allows us to strengthen bounds between students and professors. He stated.
With the purpose to have more links among Mexican and Japanese universities, Katsuhito Miura pointed out that in 2017 Japan arranged a Rectors Summit, in which Jose Eduardo Hernández Nava (Rector of the University of Colima) acted as a presenter.
Finally, to conclude with his exposition, the first secretary from the Embassy of Japan in Mexico said that there are high expectations for the future, since ‘‘Japan wants to increase its investment, not only in the automotive sector but, also in energy, petroleum and medicine as well as strengthen our cultural exchange’’, and that they could have a greater presence of Mexican products within their country.